Wednesday, January 25, 2012

10 Tips to Successful Workouts

Yesterday was my first day back doing my old upper body strength training routine and I CANNOT lift my arms for the life of me. What makes me real bummed is that I used to do this workout 3 times a week without much effort and with more weights. But I'm reminding myself the hard work now will pay off at the end.

I made a list of 10 tips to help make your workouts and training successful. I'm going to do my best to follow these, as well, over the next 98 days.

1. Have a plan - Be intentional with the time you have to workout. Plan it out beforehand so you know exactly what to do that day. Put it in your schedule just like you would your other daily plans. I use several different calendars to outline what my training will look like for that week, month, and months ahead.

2. Quality over quantity - Getting in 3-4 workouts/runs that make you sweat are FAR more beneficial than trying to do something every day mediocre. The quality of your workouts should not be compromised by how much you want to get done. If you find yourself dragging or lacking form, stop your workout and try again tomorrow.

3. Find a time and stick to it - After struggling for the past 6 months to find the best time of day to get my workout in around my job, family, and extra activities I've came to the conclusion that the best time for me is first thing in the morning before the sun comes up and my little one is still sleeping. Even though I don't LIKE getting up at 4:30am, this is my only option to be successful at my workouts. Find the time that works for you and stick to it.

4. A short workout is better than no workout at all - If all you have is 30 minutes to get in a workout...that's ok! You can do quick, fast intervals if running or circuit strength training with minimal rests in between. The key is to keep your heart rate up and keep moving. I like to do my speedwork during my short days when I don't have much time.

4. Get pumped up - Find music that motivates you and gets your energy up. I prefer to listen to my Christian music station on Pandora, however, not all Christian music is sappy and soft. I turn on my Grits station and I'm ready for a great workout. Nothing is better than hearing rap music about God!

5. Work large muscle groups first - When strength training, start with the larger muscle groups (back and chest) and work your way through the smaller muscles (shoulders, biceps, triceps). This will give you better results quicker.

6. Eat before/after a workout - My favorite pre-workout snack is a piece of 100% whole wheat bread with peanut butter. Sometimes I also add half a banana. The idea is to have something small to jumpstart your metabolism and sustain your energy to last through the workout. After the workout, you need a carbohydrate and a protein to replenish your muscles. You can opt for the more expensive recovery fuel like protein shakes but chocolate milk does just as well.

7. Set small goals - What is your BIG goal you are working towards? Losing 25 pounds? Run a half marathon? Run a full marathon? Get down to a certain body fat percentage? Whatever your goal is make sure to set small goals to get you there. Give yourself little rewards along the way. If your goal is to run a half marathon, sign up for a couple 5k's and 10k's also to get you on track and motivated throughout your training.

8. Stop comparing yourself to others - You are your own person, you are beautiful, and you are good enough. If there's something about yourself you want to change just make sure you are doing it for the right reasons - to better yourself, to get healthy, to live longer, for your family, etc. We cannot truly be happy until we learn to love ourselves first.

9. It is your one else's workout - Do not be intimidated to go to the gym, put on that workout outfit, or lace up those running shoes. Be confident and proud of whatever you are doing no matter who you think is watching. Because 99% of the time no one really cares. Remember, every person had to take that first step to get back in shape just as you are. My favorite thing to tell people who want to start running for the first time is to remember that it is YOUR run, YOUR pace, YOUR mile, YOUR race - no one  else's. My best friend reminded me of this one day by quoting Dr. Seuss - "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

10. Whatever you do...don't quit - Find your inner strength to keep going. Use any motivation you can find. Stay focused and don't get down on yourself if you miss a day or eat something out of your food plan. Make the choice to get back on track and keep going. You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. And remember...if it were easy, everyone would do it.

What are some other tips you use?


  1. Love number 9! Thanks for sharing all this!

  2. Rebecca I LOVE all of your blogs and for the last year I have been struggling with finding the best time to work out, mine is getting up at 4:30 but even I am struggling with getting out of bed. I miss my old motivated self and was curious what you say to yourself to get out of bed. I never used to struggle like this and I often feel like I am the only one. Ashida and I report to one another what our workouts consisted of, but my only constant is 100 lunges a day. What are your tricks or pointers for finding your inner motivation:):) Thank you for sharing....

  3. It's soooo hard to just do it! I've done everything from moving my alarm clock into the bathroom, laying my running clothes out next to the bed, and even sleeping in my workout clothes! What I found works the best for me is having an accountability partner that will work out with you or you can talk to later that day about what you did. If I know I have to answer to someone then I'm more apt to get it done.

    Right now Aiden is waking up again about 4:30am (teething his next set of molars) so I just stay up after he wakes up. I'm tired, yes, but I just remember and remind myself how GREAT I feel after my workout is done. I don't get up every morning that early - just twice a week. That helps me also knowing I have other days to sleep in. I hope that helps you!
