Monday, January 23, 2012

Gotta start might as well be today!

I've always been very goal-driven, active, healthy, and relatively in shape all my life. Keeping myself busy was never an issue for me. I have always been that girl that has to do EVERYTHING at once and can't just sit on the couch and relax at night (that's not always a good thing, either).

Now that I have a little one to chase around, it it much harder to keep up with the daily routines I used to have before being a mother. I mean, who would want to go and spend 2 hours at the gym after work when they could go home and wrestle on the floor with a laughing 13 month old?? Not me anymore!

My 2012 goal is to become more intentional with every aspect of my life - my relationship with God, my family and friends, my job, my time, my finances, my workouts, my eating habits, my relaxing time, etc. The point of this blog is to let others in on how I am being intentional with everything I'm doing. I've learned that accountability is one of the best ways to be successful at something.

So without further a due...let's get going with day one!   :)

1 comment:

  1. I chose today to start my 100 day change and I love how you use the word "intentional"! I am excited for you and excited for me! Looking forward to following your journey!
