Friday, January 27, 2012

Your goal is as important as anyone else' matter how small.

This morning I went to the gym at 5:30am for my strength training workout (2nd time this week...yay!)  I put my headphones in, turned on my music, had my workout sheet, and got started.

About halfway through I was feeling really great because earlier in the week this was the point where I was starting to feel like I couldn't finish my 2nd set on each circuit. I was already feeling much stronger than I had during my last workout.

Then I looked around me.

I was the only girl in a group of bigger men working out. There was one guy that was HUGE. He looked like the Hulk. I tried to ignore them, put a serious "don't mess with me I'm getting pumped up" look on my face, and went on with my reps.

Then I noticed something. Every time I did a new workout the big Hulk-looking guy next to me would do the same workout but with MUCH more weight. It's like he was trying to say "look how much stronger I am than you." Well, hulk guy, yes you are stronger because you are HUGE and I am a girl.

I just went along with my workout and decided that I wasn't going to let anything in that gym distract me from my workout or what I wanted to accomplish. I was already feeling great because I was able to finish my whole circuit twice without cutting any short this time. And that I wasn't going to waste my time comparing myself to anyone - man, woman, big, or small. I am my own person, it's my own workout, and this is my own goal.

So there, big Hulk guy.

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