Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 1 - Food Choices

My secret to starting off this 100 day challenge right was making my snacks and meals the night before. I didn't have to rush around the kitchen this morning. All I did was grab my lunchbox and go! (Unlike last Friday when I didn't feel like spending time making my lunch so I just had peanut butter crackers and popcorn to last me all day). 

My breakfast was quite simple and only to 10 minutes to throw together. I usually eat as I'm driving to work or eat at my desk in the morning so it was all ready to go when I left. 

Egg sandwich with sliced onions and spinach leaves

I used to eat egg sandwiches several times a week but I would just throw an egg on some bread and call it good. Now that I'm being "veggie conscious" I realized how easy it was to add some nutrients to it with onions and spinach leaves. I got my two vegetables in for that meal! 

So I get to work and what's on my desk?? A lovely treat from one of my students - chocolate covered pretzels. And oh, do my kids know I LOVE my chocolate! 

However, I did just toss out all my chocolate yesterday to start this 100 days off right. So I've mindfully placed the baggie in my freezer to enjoy after the 100 days are up. Now THAT's self-discipline.  :)  

Usually for snack I would bring tuna with crackers. I even have crackers in my classroom stashed for this purpose. 

BUT as a part of the 100 days I have to get rid of all things highly processed - and that includes crackers. So I gave them to my kids for snack time and replaced the crackers with a piece of 100% whole wheat bread. Good choice, Rebecca.  :) 

I have joined the Pinterest bandwagon and found this AWESOME idea for salad. Put your dressing and toppings in a jar FIRST and then your greens on top so they don't get wilted. It works, too! 

 For lunch I had some homemade chili I made last month and froze with a dollop of REAL sour cream and cheese. I was shocked when I was grocery shopping yesterday to find that the REAL tub of sour cream had less ingredients (and I could read them all!) than the low-fat tub. The low-fat tub was full of additives and crud. So there is the proof that REAL is better than low/non-fat!

homemade chili and spinach salad
For dinner last night we had homemade beef vegetable soup. My husband requested this which is surprising because he isn't a big soup fan. I just added a bunch of vegetables/beans we had in the kitchen, lean ground beef, some tomato juice and water, and some of our favorite spicy seasonings.

Beef Vegetable Soup

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